Mindset Mentorship

HAUS “Mindset Mentorship” is a month-long virtual group program teaching high school aged hockey players the mindset skills they need to reach their dreams.


Group Class Details

  • Who it's for:

    Rising Freshmen through class of ‘24 Seniors

    *While this program is slightly tailored towards hockey players, athletes of all sports are welcome!

  • Dates


  • Details

    Group will meet on zoom.

    Limited Spots Available to maintain an intimate environment and to foster meaningful conversations.

Each session will be led by Michael and Strauss. They will lean on their experience and expertise, as well as the lessons of authors, coaches, current/retired athletes, and leaders of their respective fields of peak performance to create a career-altering course for these young athletes.

Between engaging group discussions and carefully designed weekly assignments, the players walk away knowing how to:

  • Properly set BIG goals

  • Change their outlook on fears and adversity

  • Discover values that drive them

  • Identify and change their habits

  • Manage challenges of our ever-changing world

  • Determine which parts of their game to focus on

  • Go “All In” in their process

  • Reach peak performance through mind and body

  • Reflect daily for growth and accountability 

  • Seek out resources that align with their goals

  • Surround themselves with people that support their endeavors

Invest in your future. Build your HAUS.